Indian Time Zone

Meet Guruji

Hi.... my name is GURUJI

I can read your minds.......... so be carefull in your thoughts....

Dont u want to "TEST ME"......???????

Please select a whole number
from 1 to 10.
(write it on a piece of paper SECRETLY)

Don't tell anyone your number!
next step

Now take your number and double it.
Write the new number secretly on the paper.
next step

Now add 4 to the doubled number.
(secretly write down this new number)
next step

The next magic step is to
divide by 2.
(Secretly write this new result)
next step

And now for the final mystical step!!!
press to continue

Subtract your original number.
(VERY secretly, write this final number)
Now I will read your mind!

You must now CONCENTRATE with every
mental fiber of your being.
Fill your mind completely with this
press to go on

It is coming!!!

I am starting to
magic number

Is your final number............................I will reveal your mind!